Wound care | Cardiovascular disease

Check-up, in-depth diagnostics and personalised treatment

Wound care

I recommend a multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment that promotes better wound healing.

Cardiovascular disease

I propose a modern and comprehensive treatment of cardiovascular diseases that aims to optimise the quality of life of my patients.

Dr. Saziye Karaca

Specialist physician in wound care (ZWM certificate, Akademie Wundmanagement Zürich)
Consultant cardiovascular surgeon (FMH)


My practice is situated in the heart of Geneva, at the Helvetic Care Champel medical centre. You can contact me by phone or e-mail to make an appointment.

Helvetic Care Champel
Avenue Calas 1
1206 Geneva
T: +41 22 788 11 11
F: +41 22 347 36 71

© 2025 | Dr. S. Karaca